Simple Steak
- Your favorite steak
- PT: Ribeye (1-2 inches thick) or NY Strip
- Butter – 1/4 stick
- Parmesan Cheese – 1/2 cup
- Garlic (minced) – 2 tablespoons
- Traeger Prime Rib Rub (substitute: salt & pepper or your favorite steak rub)
- Olive Oil – 1/4 cup
Pregame: 10 minutes
- Cover the steaks in olive oil (not too much, they shouldn’t be dripping when held in the air)
- Season with Traeger Prime Rib Rub or salt and pepper (both sides of the steak)
- Massage the the rub in and cover the plate with plastic wrap
- Set in refrigerator about an hour or grill immediately

- Mix and mash the butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese together (Shh… this is the secret sauce!)
- Set aside for later (if grilling soon, allow the butter to soften – can even nuke it in the microwave for 5-10 seconds)

Main Event: About 20 minutes
- Start your Traeger on the smoke setting, once a fire is established turn the temperature to 450F
- Once the temperature reaches 450F, put your steaks on the grill and start your timer
- 4 minutes – rotate steaks 90 degrees
- 8 minutes – flip steaks over
- 12 minutes – rotate steaks 90 degrees
- 14 minutes – top steaks with secret sauce and throw back on for 2 minutes
- 16 minutes – Medium-rare perfection!
- Let the meat rest for a 2-3 minutes and enjoy!

(We love garlic!)